
Concert Complex "Philharmonia-2"
Michurinsky Avenue, Olympic Village, Building 1

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"The pilgrims. Traveling with an orchestra"

Moscow, Tchaikovsky concert hall

Trickster Theatre, winner of the Golden Mask Award

Conductor – Alexey Rubin


"The pilgrims. Traveling with an orchestra"

also recommend

10th Eastern Economic Forum

Denis Matsuev (piano)

Conductor – Aleksey Rubin

Vladivostok. Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theater

XIX International Festival "Stars on Baikal". On the 80th Anniversary of the Complete Liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi Blockade

Valentina Fedeneva (soprano), Agunda Kulaeva (mezzo-soprano), Alexey Tatarintsev (tenor), Alexey Tikhomirov (bass)

State Academic Choir of Russia named after A. A. Yurlov, with the participation of the State Academic Academic Russian Choir named after A. V. Sveshnikov

Host – Yulian Makarov

Conductor – Dmitry Yurovsky

Irkutsk. Irkutsk Regional Musical Theater named after N.I.Zagursky